Insured Patients

Linkfield Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries clinic is registered with all major private health care providers such as Bupa, Aviva, Axa PPP, Nuffield Health, IPRS and many mores. Please check with your insurer or contact us at

Many private health policies cover the costs of physiotherapy. We can help with your claim and liaise directly with your insurance company as necessary. Please note that whilst the majority of our patients self-refer to the Clinic, health insurers generally require a doctor’s authorisation before commencing physiotherapy treatment. However, it is the patient’s responsibility to check the details of their individual policies.

Self Funding Patients

Initial assessment & treatment

  • (45 minutes)

Follow-up treatment

  • (30 minutes)

Home visits

  • (60 minutes)

Sports Massage

  • (60 minutes)

Sports Massage

  • (30 minutes)

Shockwave Therapy

£90 a session or purchase 3 for £240. 

Some insurers such as BUPA cover this others do not. Please ask your insurer.

Others will partially cover and you can top up the rest of the fee.

Payment Details

We accept cash, cheque and all credit cards except American Express.